Strategic Reading, a popular tool for helping adolescent readers comprehend difficult text, is also instrumental in guiding beginning and intermediate-level readers. The nine strategies that Geof
Hewitt introduces are more than just “reading strategies”! They are thinking strategies that enhance problem-solving skills in all disciplines. When they are taught in the early grades, they become habits of mind by the time students reach their teenage years, but it’s never too late to learn these nine strategies. In his interactive presentations, Hewitt brings humor and a clear link to the reading-writing connection that fortifies development of comprehension skills.
Geof Hewitt, Co-director of the Vermont Adolescent Literacy and Learning Initiative, has led reading workshops in Vermont’s K-12 classrooms, in Vermont’s correctional facilities, and with teenage parents. In addition, he has offered reading-instruction workshops for teachers and given keynote speeches across the U.S. and in Canada.
He bases his work on the nine reading strategies outlined in Reading to Learn, a 140 page guide to teaching reading in the content areas that he helped write and edit. (Free download at: http://www.state.vt.us/educ/new/html/pgm_curriculum/literacy/reading/reading_to_learn.html). A book-discussion leader with the Vermont Humanities Council for more than twenty years, Hewitt claims that his best credential is his own use of the nine reading strategies outlined in Reading to Learn. His three other books for teachers (two from Heinemann, one from Discover Writing) have all addressed writing.