Cory Radisch
Cory Radisch has worked extensively as a consultant and trainer for educators in the areas of classroom and behavior management. His current research activities focus on positive behavior support as it applies to school wide and classroom systems as well as the efficient and effective use of data analysis to develop a proactive system to behavior management. In addition, Mr. Radisch prides himself on supporting educators in establishing proactive routines, creating exciting and engaging lessons, and providing strategies for working with non-compliant students. He focuses on providing quality professional development that directly impacts best teaching practices in order to maximize time for instruction.

Mr. Radisch was part of a team that helped develop school improvement plans for several district six schools in the heart of Washington DC's inner city as well as a few Abbot schools in New Jersey. He was also a presenter at Future Educator's Urban Recruitment Conference.

As an educational leader he has helped schools reduce their discipline referrals through his implementation of Positive Behavior Supports. The reduction of discipline referrals is directly related to increased instructional time. Training includes methods for identifying and defining an individual school's needs. Participating schools learn how to gather qualitative and quantitative data intended to assist with the development, implementation, and evaluation of a school-wide positive discipline program.

In addition, he has worked with several schools in revamping their Intervention and Referral Services process in order to give educators assistance working with struggling learners. Mr. Radisch will coach you through this process by teaching you how to collect and analyze data, run efficient meetings by developing norms and protocol, and work collaboratively to develop a prescriptive approach to meet the needs of teachers and students.

Staff Development Workshops, Inc.
1427 Fourteenth Street • Lakewood, NJ 08701
732.367.8030 • (fax) 732.370.4978
[email protected]
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