Nancy Martin
Nancy Martin has extensive experience in elementary education - teaching,
coaching teachers, writing curriculum and conducting professional
development. As a classroom teacher for fifteen years, her specialty was
Science and she implemented the directed inquiry approach. Her classroom
was always a lab site for her colleagues to learn and grow as science
instructors. As a staff developer in New York, Nancy helped implement
science inquiry in many schools and set up labs for students to participate
in hands-on science experiments. During the past few years, as an Assistant
Principal and Instructional Coordinator in two different schools, Nancy has
had the major responsibility of moving instruction in the areas of ELA, math
and science. She knows what good instruction looks and sounds like. She is
able to move teachers to learn and/or adopt new practices. She is able to
track students' progress and plan for differentiation, remediation and
enrichment. Nancy currently trains undergraduate students in a science
education methods class. She also continues to work periodically as a
consultant for Delta Education (FOSS Science).